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The installation "What?" emerges within the curatorial project "Rituals of the Habitual" of the Bulgarian curator Vera Mlechevska. "What" questions the bipolarization of the information, potentialized by the mass-media channels like radio, television, internet, magazines, and newspapers. The installation proposes the visitors to take an action and rupture with the accumulated, along the way, cliches and artificially imposed contradictions such as art/no art, healthy/noxious, public/private, actual/outdated, moral/immoral, we/the others, political/passive and etc. Furthermore, the installation "What?" is about constructing our own, multilayered interpretation of "what" is surrounding us.


Interactive installation, "City and public spaces" festival (17-23.09.2012), Plovdiv, Bulgaria;

It took a hard work to transform the initial 71.25 square meters abandoned inner yard into a place for an art creativity and interaction. They were plenty of technical issues to be solved throughout the execution process, namely: finding of fence supplier, delivery of the fences on time and mounting them; installing light projectors; preparation of stencils imitating tiles, attaching them to the wall; building postaments; providing specific objects (some of them with antiquary value) for the installation; printing photos and other materials; supplying the installation with sprays, markers and etc. All of the above wouldn't be possible without the essential help of engineers Blagoy Halachev and Sotir Haralampiev (execution), David Amaro ( graphical representation), Kiril Halachev and Maria Halacheva (technical assistance), to whom I send my special thanks!

 The installation contains several sets of objects, taken place around and over blank steel fences. There isn’t any information about the origin, fabrication and function of these objects. They are reduced to their visual provocation. 

Action! Hanging around there are different color markers, sprays, stencils...The audience is invited to express its opinions, to do comments and observations, write, draw and paint, straight on the objects and on the free surfaces around.​


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