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My latest series is called "Janela sobre Lever" (Window onto Lever). It consists of 12 drawings, composing a window of an old, deactivated spinning industry – Quinta de Fiação de Crestuma –, located on the Uíma riverbanks, in Lever, Vila Nova de Gaia. 
The series is intended to be exhibited at Biennial of Arts of Gaia, currently settled in the old industry's complex. With its form, composition and object of representation, it alludes to the architecture of the building, to the scientific and technological knowledge of its constructional epoch, to the surrounding landscape and to the passage of time.
The series "Seaport zones" consists of twelve drawings documenting the cost – а territory in constant transformation, due to the action of homo sapiens: from building of coastal infrastructures to his contribution towards the global warming; and that of the natural forces: sea, wind, sun, etc. Seaport zones are contact zones between the sea and the man. They are an entrance and an exit, a border always negotiated and redefined.
From a plastic point of view, in this drawing series I'm interested in the material expression of the contact between man and natural forces, thus the fragile balance between the straight and disciplined lines of the pontoons and the irregular, corrugated shapes of the rock formations.

The following series is called "The Blue Cloak". It registers the whimsy wrappings that the plant Ipomoea Indica performs within the built environment. In this project I am interested in the texture and the plasticity of the covered ruins, which beauty comes from their de-characterization and unification into a homogeneous bluish-green mass. In this series, the sequence of the drawings is important, since as the drawings progress (from top to bottom and from left to right), the ruins are getting completely submerged by the cloak.

The series "Fires of restlessness" is about the situations that leave me restless. It portrays the society that I live in through the prism of my personal experience: European, imigrant, citizen and artist. Reacts to topics as: corrupt governments, lack of civic and environmental responsibility, culture of immediate consumption, supremacy over other living beings.
The series has the characteristics of an inforgram. The size of each drawing is proportional to my anger.

Another drawing project that I´m working on is called "Iberian Diaries". It´s composed of small-format expressionist landscapes. On the one hand, it´s a documental project, faithful to the variety of geomorphological formations and diverse vegetable species observed on the Iberian Peninsula. The elaboration of each drawing is related to a research about different localities and their surrounding landscapes, about the influence that the landscape exercises over a concrete locality, but also about the natural and cultural transformation of this landscape. Evidence of this research are the toponymical names of some of the drawings.
On the other hand, "Iberian Diaries" is a project  that has a poetic and experiential character. Indispensable for its creation is visiting and being physically at the locality. From here the memory of its sounds, smells, textures, light. In all occasions, the landscapes are records of places, of states of mind and even of a company being with. 

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